The Company

Since 1994, when Tecno Più started, the vision of the company has always been to produce accident-prevention safety guards for tooling machines with the quality and the technological innovation of its design, thus creating the most heavy-duty and versatile products currently on the market. The company’s watchword is “Safety is not a Target, It is a Way of Life”, in which safety at work is not a goal to reach but it is a “choice of life”. This means the company does not simply aim to provide safety equipment to safeguard workers but to understand that working in a quality and safe environment is the first rule of a good employee and the best choice for anyone.
This goal has been reached using systems designed by Tecno Più such as the rubber articulated arms to speed up the guard’s set-up, the use of selected materials with the aim to decrease the weight of the system, while keeping unchanged resistance to collisions, the ability to find solutions to possible operating problems in order to optimize work reducing downtime. These are all characteristics that made Tecno Più a world-leading company in the field of safety guards for tooling machines.
Quality System
The quality pursued by the company involves the whole production process, from the commercial to the technical aspect, from the management system to the production and delivery; the high quality standard are achieved by internal checks up.
Thanks to its own productive, management and technical processes, the company has obtain the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification, which ensures the customer the possibility to face an efficient structured company, organized and capable to provide answers and efficient solutions in a short time.
Our organizational dynamism and flexibility, the professionalism and careful management allows us to take part in many sectors, observing due dates and quality of the products.
Sales Network
The whole Tecno Più commercial sales network is composed of agents with proven technical skills.They can provide support and professional solutions to identify the type of the product according to the customer’s need.

The Delivery
When the job orders are ready, all safety guards are marked by labels showing their registration number, if necessary. The guards are then suitably packed so as to ensure the products and their finishes remain undamaged before being delivered to customers. Tecno Più works with couriers and selected transportation companies which allow to track down the delivery at all stages.
The Team of Tecno Più
All the staff of Tecno Più work as a tight-knit team totally focused on the final goal: the customer satisfaction. From the storeman to the designer, everyone works according to the standard ISO9001 which regulates quality management, the real watchword of the company.

The Preliminary Service
According to the information obtained by the commercial office or directly by the customer, the engineering department establishes the features of the safety guard elaborating a graphic project on a 3D software.
Tecno Più invested considerable resources in order to produce and implement a suitable 3D software for designing, planning and accomplishing even complex protection systems which can be personalized according to the demand of the customer.
The Work Cycle
Tecno Più production system, totally managed by a sophisticated software, allows handling customer’s requests rapidly also for non-standard configurations. The operations are monitored by procedures according to the standard ISO9001.